
By default, your feed displays the latest tx from all the wallets you’re following. Use the tabs at the top of your feed to filter results. These allow you to focus on a specific list, use case, network, tx type, and size.

All activity: Shows all tx made by wallets you're following. Click to filter by New Trades, DeFi, NFTs, or Highlights.

Chains: Filter to display tx from specific networks. You can make multiple selections.

Transaction types: Filter to display specific tx e.g Swaps. You can make multiple selections.

Tokens/NFTs: Enter a token or NFT name e.g. ARB or select from the Top Tokens popup. You can make multiple selections.

USD Value: Enter a minimum tx value between 1 and 250,000 (USD).

Lists: Filter to show wallet activity from specific lists you're following.

Using these options, you can set multiple filters that will determine the tx shown in your feed. After enabling filters, click Save and enter a label to store these settings for future use e.g. New Swaps on Blast >$10K.

Any time you wish to reset the filters you’ve applied, click Clear all.

To load saved filters, click the All activity tab and scroll to the bottom of the list to view your selections.


Your Cielo feed is a powerful tool for viewing onchain transactions and making sense of them at a glance. These could be your own trades, those of influencers you’re following, or of an entire sector you’re trying to monitor e.g. DeFi.

Last updated